Monthly Archives: December 2013

Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses By John Phanchalad

Marketing StrategyAre you a busy small-business owner? No doubt you have put a lot of time into crafting a business plan, crafting a product or service that people want to buy, and then networking with customers and investors.

But you’re probably wondering what else you could do to promote your work. Have you considered internet marketing? Internet marketing refers to different ways to connect with users and promote yourself on the internet using different techniques. Read on to learn about the ways you can use effective internet marketing strategy to promote your small business and help it grow.

Different Types of Internet Marketing

According to John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech, internet marketing is an extremely broad field that can refer to everything from email newsletters to social media management. Because it is so broad, it is more effective to try to focus your strategy and work on only the areas that will help you the most.

Start with a Website

A website is one of the best ways to start your internet marketing campaign. You will be able to put your information online so that people can find you in Google and other search engines. You can put your contact information, your company mission, and a description of the services you offer. You can even add an online mailing service if you want, if you think your products should be sold that way.

With your website, you can also add a company blog, which you can update with industry and company news, such as ways that the industry is changing and how your company is adapting to those changes. Just make sure to update it regularly so that people can see activity, which looks like you’re both busy and passionate about what you do.

Additionally, you can provide links to all of your social media accounts. Starting with Facebook, you can develop a company profile that fans can “like,” in order to see your updates. You can share blog posts, offers, company news and also engage with fans. For example, you can post an occasional funny picture or ask people to “like” if they agree to a funny graphic.

Once you have a rocking Facebook page, you can also get on Twitter and share updates that way. Twitter is great for short updates and for promoting small amounts of information in a succinct way.

These are just a few of the ways you can promote yourself through the internet. Learn more at JP Digital Tech.


For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Why Online Marketing Matters By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-17It is hard to believe that there are still some businesses that are not using the internet to market their businesses. JP Digital Tech wants to reach out to those businesses and let them know that they are missing out on a huge potential for growth.

If you are a business owner and you are not marketing your business online than you are denying your business he growth it can have. Online marketing matters. Even if you have a small store front retail business that you feel has reached its potential you can see big gains by establishing a marketing campaign with JP Digital Tech and John Phanchalad.

Mr. Phanchalad is not only the CEO of JP Digital Tech but is considered a guru of sorts in the internet marketing niche because of his experience and the results he generates. If you are not marketing online than you absolutely should speak to JP Digital Tech and take a look at your options.

Why Not?

At this stage in the game with everyone shopping online, doing their research online, reading reviews online the question should not be “why online marketing matters?” is should be “Why not market online?”. If that question was posed to any business owner large or small they would be hard pressed to come up with a viable answer.
John Phanchalad saw the future clearly when he decided that he wanted a career in internet marketing, He understood long before most how important the internet would be come in the world of commerce. His estimation were correct. We are moving fast in this digital age and we are moving forward.

No business that has created a marketing campaign online with the assistance of JP Digital Tech has thought “I wish I would have taken out that newspaper ad” because online marketing is the most cost effective, result producing venue that there is.

The Averages

The laws of averages works in your favor when you have a marketing campaign online. There are millions and millions of people that are surfing around the web right now. If you have a well-structured campaign designed by JP Digital Tech than you may very well have quite few hits on your site today which could lead to more business and more exposure overall.

It is very difficult not to do well when you have John Phanchalad and JP Digital Tech on your team! Let the internet work for you!

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Keeping Pace with the Market By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-16A man once said that there are two kinds of online marketing strategies. The first strategy involves letting a website sit with links to various products or services and hoping some kind of customer stumbles upon them, happens to need them, can afford them, decides not to buy from a competitor, and instead buys from you; the second strategy involves making money.

John Phanchalad at JP Digital Tech understands that the internet is an ever-changing landscape and that as software technology develops, doubling in complexity every ten years, a business’s attitude towards online sales must be able to change as well. For instance, do you use mobile marketing in your online sales strategy? Recent research shows that if you are not engaging in some form of mobile marketing right now, your online marketing could be obsolete within a few years.

Most small business owners, or even moderate-sized business owners, do not have the manpower or the time to pay close attention to every aspect of their online business. They are concerned with the day to day operations required to keep their company operational and making money. However, someone needs to be concerned with the day-to-day operations of a company’s online marketing platform, and that person needs to be a qualified professional. The world of online marketing changes daily. Every time Google releases new rules for the way search words are optimized countless companies’ sites become obsolete because they did not have someone around who knew to adjust for the new search optimization rules.

To reiterate, it does not matter how wonderfully your site performed on launch. If you paid enormous amounts of money to make a perfect site only to watch your online business dwindle over time, then you need to consider the problem. Do not blame the economy, or inflation, or any passive effect in the economic environment. Other online businesses are making a lot of money. If yours is not, you need to be concerned why it isn’t.

Luckily you do not need to find out how to fix your crumbling online business on your own. There are people for that. Online marketing consultant specialists like John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech can observe your marketing strategies, recognize any stagnation, and bring your website up to market speeds again. Of course, changes like that are only temporary fixes, not a permanent solution. Fortunate for you that John Phanchalad and JP Digital Tech are there. As a qualified professional, John Phanchalad can show you how to keep your website afloat in the ever changing online market, and that is a permanent solution.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Social Media Biggies You Need on Your Side By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-15Have you been wondering about social media pages and your business? Here, John Phanchalad and his team at JP Digital Tech have decided to share with you their opinions on which social media giants that every business, no matter their size, needs on their side. You might just be surprised by their suggestions, but if you have any questions, or need any help with any aspect of your internet marketing scheme, including how to best utilize social media pages, feel free to contact JP Digital Tech and John Phanchalad.


Twitter is a fabulous way to quickly, easily, and simply engage your audience. You can share special offers, interact with customers, share what other related businesses are doing, and more. Twitter accounts are easy to connect to other social media outlets (like Facebook), and can help you to get a message out there quickly and simply, in only a few hundred characters. Plus, you can respond to things happening in the real world in real time. It is no wonder that so many businesses have decided to turn to Twitter as part of their social media marketing plan.


Facebook is another fabulous place to interact with customers. When it comes to the sticking time of Facebook as compared to other websites, Facebook is always the clear winner. People just spend more time on it! Here, you can host giveaways, contests, offer exclusive deals, promote your product, get customers to help you create greater brand visibility, and more. Facebook is all about dynamic, customer targeted content, which customers love. You can also use Facebook’s built-in analytic tools to learn more about your customer base, who they are, where they are located, and what they love most about your social media page.


If you are in an industry where looks, design, and being visually interesting matters, you need to be on Pinterest. Businesses in the industries of art, design, craft, fashion, wedding, and food should all be on Pinterest. Try to remain active on a daily basis by pinning, repining, and commenting on what others are doing on Pinterest. Females tend to be more active on this social media page, which is great if you are in an industry that is important to women. You can sell both services and products on a Pinterest page, as long as you can make them visually interesting.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Why Contact a Professional about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-14Internet marketing may seem like the elephant in the room when it comes to your business. Often times, the internet can seem strange, mysterious, hard to use to reach out, and difficult to navigate. You may also think this about internet marketing. That is where professionals like John Phanchalad and his team at JP Digital Tech come in. Here, we will look at the many reasons why you may want to contact a professional business to help your business with internet marketing.

They Know the Industry

Online marketing is a whole different segment of the marketing industry in and of itself. It takes a whole different skill set than more traditional media outlets to master online marketing. However, professionals already know this industry. They have the experience that your business needs with it comes to search engine optimization, webpage design, online advertising, email campaigns, app design, social media, or any of the other facets of a strategic and dynamic internet marketing scheme. Best of all, they can start helping you today because they need no further training or education in helping you to dominate this powerful outlet.

Proven Results

Think that others do not contact professionals? Think again. For years, professionals have been giving businesses both small and large, local and international, the extra boost they need to make their internet marketing truly effective. Every year, customers who choose to contact a professional agency about helping their business online are seeing results like higher customer loyalty, better customer response and satisfaction, as well as a bigger bottom line. And what business does not want all those things? Feel free to seek out testimonials or reviews about internet marketing agencies to see what results you yourself and your business could see after consulting a professional.

The Best, Every Time

You can always bet that when dealing with a professional like John Phanchalad or his staff at JP Digital Tech, you are always getting the best service, anywhere. The advice that they give you is trusted. Do not rely on amateurs, or try to master internet marketing yourself when you are already strapped for time. Instead, let us do it for you! We promise quick, effective, and satisfactory results that can and will help to grow your business in a variety of ways. What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose when you contact us for help with internet marketing.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Web Development –More Than a Pretty Face By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-13JP Digital Tech and John Phanchalad are on the cutting edge of web design that brings clients/customers right to your front door! At JP Digital Tech designing websites is a lot more than creating a pretty place to browse. When you use JP Digital Tech to create your website you are using a company that understands how important it is that your website not only represents your business but helps to drive traffic to your company.

Even if you want just a pretty place for your clients/customers to browse JP Digital Tech can design your webpage to be fluid to keep up with changing times and your future visions for your company.

A Team Approach

John Phanchalad as the CEO of JP Digital Tech is a visionary when it comes to digital marketing and utilizing the internet for all of its positive aspects for business purposes. By creating a talented team of developers, designers, SEO staff and video animators John has compiled a company that can offer the best options.
This team approach to projects has resulted in success for clients worldwide. Whether your measure of success is generating more leads, gaining more brand recognition or simply having a showy website JP Digital Tech has the solution.

Solution Based Products

It is all about solutions at JP Digital Tech. When you consult with JP Digital Tech you will be asked some very pointed questions about where you want to take your business. Once the where has been decided than you need to know the how.

Providing businesses with viable solutions to their digital marketing needs is exactly what JP Digital Tech does. After an evaluation of the businesses needs and goals a plan that is solution based will be put into action. After a decade of experience in the internet marketing field you can expect that your solutions are waiting for you!
Moving forward in today’s competitive global market requires solutions. It is no longer good enough to just have a presence online. If you want to grow your business, improve your presence and get the rewards of doing both than you need a solution based approach to marketing online.

Whether it is video marketing on the web or a webpage that grabs your target audiences attention JP Digital Tech has the right solution to meet your needs. Let John Phanchalad and his team of experts help you move forward!

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

How Social Media is Affecting Internet Marketing Today By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-12It was just a few short years ago that social media became the hottest place to sell your product or service, with every retailer, restaurant, and even television station creating their own Facebook pages and Twitter feeds. While this proved effective for some time in getting a brand name in front of consumers, is this still effective and how is social media affecting internet marketing today? Consider how John Phanchalad can help to utilize this method of marketing for every company.

Facebook, Twitter, and Other Popular Channels

Facebook was at one time the hottest social media site on the internet, with potential customers and clients more than happy to “like” a company’s Facebook page. This created a great opportunity for getting a company’s marketing message in front of their followers. Twitter soon followed, and its efficient 140-character limit also made it a great way for companies to keep in touch with customers and clients.

However, these companies are not as popular as they once were, as Facebook soon began filtering what content would appear in the newsfeed of users and began selling more and more ad space, creating a very disgruntled crowd of members. Twitter still remains popular but because of its limitations, is not the favorite of many retailers and brands.

Social Media and Internet Marketing

JP Digital Tech can help anyone to sort through the latest trends in internet marketing to find what works best for them. Google Plus is quickly taking the place of Facebook as they are tying in YouTube accounts to Google Plus accounts, and those with Gmail addresses are finding that they are automatically tied to a Google Plus page.

Other forms of social media are now being used for internet marketing, such as Pinterest, which allows users to immediately pin pictures they see online to their own board. These pictures keep the original source URL so they can direct any user back to the original site. This can be a great means of internet marketing for any website.All of these changes in social media can make it confusing when it comes to knowing how to tie social media into internet marketing, which is why John Phanchalad has become an expert on these trends. Social media can be a great means of internet marketing, but only if you understand how these trends continue to change and how they affect your own online business.


For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Internet Marketing Is Not The Same As Online Advertising By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-11Many companies including some marketing agencies confuse internet marketing with online advertising. Advertising is only a part of an entire marketing exercise and the same applies to online advertising and internet marketing as well. The former is not inclusive of the latter but the latter includes the former. Whenever you work on your internet marketing strategy, you must bear in mind the differences it has with online advertising. John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech lists out three key differences between internet marketing and online advertising.

Internet Marketing Is Not A One Off Exercise

Internet marketing is an ongoing exercise. There is no end to it. You may switch from one strategy to another but the exercise never ends. Online advertising is a one off exercise. You may launch several advertisements at the same time or keep working on new advertisements but the objective of every series of advertisements would be precise and temporary. Internet marketing is broader and a much consistent process. You may stop online advertisements if there is no immediate need but you can never stop internet marketing, with or without advertising being included in it.

Online Advertising Is About Promotions & Sales

Online advertising is similar to traditional advertising. It has more to do with promotions and sales. Internet marketing also deals with promotions and sales but it also caters to branding and enhancing a company’s dominance in any given niche or in a specific market. Internet marketing is thus more diverse and has multiple objectives. Online advertising is as important as internet marketing but unlike the latter is much more confined.

Internet Marketing Is MultiprongedInternet marketing is a multipronged process. Online advertising is relatively simpler. You can choose a website or search engine or social media platform where you intend to put up your advertisement and go ahead with the requisite investment. Internet marketing cannot be confined to one domain or one platform where it would establish the company’s presence. It has to be multipronged. Numerous types of campaigns and strategies need to be engaged to make internet marketing a success. To do so, a company needs to involve advertising, promotional campaigns, branding exercises and public relations development programs so the eventual result is desirable.
Any company that doesn’t differentiate between internet marketing and online advertising is bound to make errors in its attempt to create market dominance.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Social Media: Dos and Don’t By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-10Social media can be one of the most powerful online marketing tools. John Phanchalad and the people at JP Digital Tech believe this. They also believe that by following some of the below simple tips, you, too, can create a more dynamic social media internet marketing scheme. Here, we will look at things that you should be doing on your social media pages, as well as things that you should not be doing, as well as who you can turn to in order to help turn your social media around.


When using social media pages, do use dynamic content. Post blog articles, links to press releases, videos, customer reviews, and more. Respond to your customers in a positive and professional way. Do lend your support to other affiliated and local businesses by following and friending them on your official page. Remember that the key to success here is to truly interact with your customer base. If you interact, they will interact back, and feel as if they have more of a say-so in what you are selling, your customer service, and much more.


There are a lot of social media don’ts. Do not spam users. This will only serve to annoy them, and get you ignored. When you are interacting, do not ever take a defensive stand, or say something that will offend others. This has happened far too many times on social media pages, and businesses pay for this mistake. If you are having someone else to help you in your social media campaigns, be sure that they are trusted, know your wants and expectations, and can help you to build your business. Also, do not constantly post without responding to customers or interacting with them. This can be perceived as snobby.

Getting the Most Out of Social Media

Want to know more about how to get the most out of social media marketing? If so, give John Phanchalad a call at JP Digital Tech. He can help you to get the most out of your social media pages, webpages, email campaigns, online advertisements, and much more. If you want to truly build your business, as well as its potential, contact them today. They are trusted and experienced in the industry. They can help you to reach more customers, climb to the top of search results, and diversify the content of your online marketing.

What Is Search Engine Optimisation By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-9Search engine optimization is the process of building your site and then building links to your site so that it ranks well within search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. Search engine optimization, often referred to as SEO has become popular over time as search engines like google offer a significant amount of traffic if you are able to rank well within the search engine.

A good ranking in a search engine is considered to be within the top 10 rankings of Google and should help significantly to generate new business to your website. It’s important to ensure though that you are ranking on keywords which people are searching for.

If you were to rank on keywords which have low search volume then the overall effect on your business would be low, but if you were to rank on keywords which have high traffic then the overall effect would be high.

John Phanchalad has been doing SEO for over 12 years and is considered by his peers as an expert in the field of SEO. He has worked on projects as wide ranging as business directories to retail stores to service providers.

In John Phanchalad’s experience the best kind of SEO is where you are writing quality content which the search engines want and ensuring the search engines naturally find your content. If you are writing content that is of low quality and forcing search engines to find it then you’ll find that it’s less likely you’ll get positive results.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit