Tag Archives: john phanchalad

Questions to Ask Us By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-40John Phanchalad wants you to have the very best experience when contacting him and his team about your web design. Although not many web designers will do this, John Phanchalad wants his customers to know just what they can expect well before he begins the job. Here, John Phanchalad will talk about just some of the questions that he invites you to ask about the experience, pricing, and more when it comes to any and all web design jobs that you may be considering his firm for. You will find, more often than not, John Phanchalad comes out on top.


You want a firm that has experience. We invite customers to ask about our credentials, as well as our overall qualifications. We also invite potential customers to ask questions about just how many people will be working on their overall web design or redesign. Do you want to see examples of past work we have done for others? If so, just let us know. We are more than happy to produce for you quite a few examples of past work we have done for similar, or even a wide variety, of clients. References are also available upon request.

Pricing and Ownership

For many people, we understand that pricing is a real issue. Most likely, you are on a budget you just cannot go over. Feel free to ask us about overall pricing, what makes up that pricing, and more. You may also be wondering about just who owns the site after we design it. This is also a good question to ask us if you are considering us for any work. All of the models that we have been using for quite some time now have never disappointed our customers in the past, and we are sure that you will be pleased with them, as well.

More to Ask

Are you concerned about the sustainability of you site, or our ability to complete your design on a particular timetable? Or, perhaps you want to really know more about responsive coding, web design elements, and how we can take the webpage that you might currently be working with and make it truly work for you like it never has before. No matter your questions, and no matter how trivial they may seem, we encourage you to ask us about anything that is of a genuine concern about your project before we get started.

Online Defamation – A Crime Without Penalty By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-39Over the past few years I’ve been the target of online defamation. I’ve had just a few people express warrantless thoughts about me based on their experience with me. Now without naming names or exposing them, the interesting part of this defamation is that these people lost to me in court.

That’s right, they had their day in court, their time to face me, face to face, in a court of law and see how was right and who was wrong. Unfortunately for them they lost. They haven’t taken losing well and as such they’ve taken the to the web and have decided that defamation is the best thing.

The unfortunate truth about online defamation for me, John Phanchalad, is that it’s working. People google my name, John Phanchalad and come up with the poor quality, badly written articles that this single person has put together about me. In doing so he discredits the good work that I do and ignores all the positive content that’s posted all over the web about me and my work.

I’m sure he thinks that he’s winning his little battle against me and that he wakes up in the morning smiling when he sees the search engine results dominated by search results that he’s manipulated. The keyword here is manipulated, he is manipulating his site to rank on the keyword John Phanchalad out of spite, hate and desperation.

It makes me think back to the recent Iron Man 3 move where Tony Stark opens up the movie talking about taking actions that create enemies and how that enemies come back to haunt you. Well beaten this guy in caught obviously was one of those occasions. Obviously he didn’t take it well and this is his little way of getting back at me.

Honestly he’s doing a good job. I’ve been doing SEO for a long period of time and when it comes to the keyword John Phanchalad he’s certainly taken a strong hold on it and written enough content and build decent enough links to hold key positions.

The problem is, it’s not affecting my business. You see, I lead all my business discussions with this interesting fact, the fact that I have this “stalker” and it’s a great conversation breaker. In fact I’ve found it’s INCREASED the amount of business I’ve been getting.

People love the fact that I’m “GOOD” enough at what I do that people are trying to bring me down. So while this guy feels like he’s having his little wins everyday in fact what he is doing is enhancing my business and bringing me more and more customers.

So online defamation is not always bad. But for those of you who find that online defamation is detracting from your work and your career I’ve got some bad news for you, there’s not much you can do.

Elements That JP Digital Tech Use For Effective Web Designing By John Phanchalad

This element always rule in designing whether on blogs or website. Though there are websites include animation and special effects, but still the execution should be simple. To make your website simple, avoid busy, loud backgrounds that detract from content and make text illegible. Avoid overusing of many colors or fonts. These will cause distraction and give the site a cluttered feel.

When making a design, it is like you are in a trial court that you need to be consistent with your layout and idea, or else, you will lose your audience. Choose a theme that you think you will stick with it forever.It is like choosing a man you want to marry to forever.

A website acts as an ID of the business or entity for which it was designed. Choose colors and fonts which are simple and has a large impact on the ‘look and feel’ of the site.
No one can speak on how to explore your website or what your website is about aside from the content. It is your silent speaker, but doesn’t need a lot of words just to instruct and explain the services of your business. Make every content of your page simple and short with a strong message.
User-Friendly Navigation

This is one of the most important elements for designing a website. Take time to lay out a logical and effective method of navigation because most users get easily bored and want convenience when exploring a website. Again, be consistent.

Visual Appeal

This element depends upon the quality of graphics used in a site design. Visit the sites that you think are appealing and observe the layout and graphics on professional sites, then try to emulate.

Lastly, the compatibility. If the site is not compatible to all viewers, create alternate pages for those without the capability to view the enhanced site. If users find this disadvantages of your website, prepare for the numbers of bounce rate.

Little Effort Is Never Enough By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-37The game has never been over if you still have a spirit to fight no matter how many times you have been knocked out. If you have been in the business industry for years, struggles are just a normal scenario. Instead to fear it, you create a plan to fight the struggles. You will only feel that you exert a few efforts if you keep calm and stick with the right practices of marketing (both traditional and online).

Accept the fact that in business, you can’t build it alone and there will be times that you will call a coach. Though you reach the peak of success for many times, you still need the advice of business coach as his opinion matters. Business coach is very important, especially for new entrepreneurs.

Learning is not ended after graduation. It continues if you are in the business industry or choose your career. Online marketing is like a jungle and might need a helping hand from an expert like John Phanchalad. Over 12 years experience in marketing, (just add the era of online marketing), his skills and knowledge have been improved and tested.

It takes time to store the knowledge and experiences. And with the help of a mentor, you will be guided on the proper marketing of your business and always there to remind what you have learned from your experiences. According to Phanchalad, online marketing can be easier than what you think if you are in the hands of a right coach. It should be very clear to you the main goal of your growing business. If you know your goals, you know how to get the attention of your target market.

12 years in traditional marketing and online marketing are enough proof of the credibility of John P. His team JP Digital Tech is always after your vision, unlike other firms who only focus on gaining revenue, but doesn’t care about your future. If you have a mentor, no one can bully you and control your decisions when it comes to managing business.

Start your business with positive vibes. Be a part of John Phanchalad Team!

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John PhanchaladVisit Website.

What Flappy Birds Game Application Will Teach About Online Marketing By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-36Say goodbye now to Flappy Birds app because you can’t download it anymore on your smartphones. RIP Flappy Bird.

Even there is no Flappy Bird app anymore, still, fans of this game are still addicted on playing it and demanding to bring it back. Though this kind of game will drain your patience, however, this game app has reached the limelight.

The creator of this an indie game developer is from Hanoi, Vietnam, Nguyen Ha Dong who has 3 apps which are now in the top 10 rankings. This is not only odd because the publisher is from nowhere and became viral despite of the absence of cross-promotion built into the games themselves.

Even the viral is legendary that suddenly pops out in online, you can still call it a viral marketing. The case of Flappy Bird can be considered that the product speaks for itself as the audience already gave their judgement and made it viral by posting the result of their game.

The game is simple but not advisable for those who have a low level of patience and hate challenges. Even the creator is not popular, the viral marketing puts this game in the high peak of success just like the ‘Angry Birds’.

Many people are still addicted to this game.The simple explanation for this, based on psychology, the more we feel the challenge on the goal, the more we love to achieve that goal. Although there is no presence of expensive ads, the game app becomes popular because of the viral marketing.

With the use of word of mouth, many gamers tried to play this. Of course their feedback about the game will be posted. Once the mutual friends see their posts about the game, they will try it and share their experience and it will be spread like wildfire on the social media networks.

The Lesson

It doesn’t matter how you started and everything started from a small thing or nothing. If you stick and believe in your marketing strategy, success is not impossible. In online business, content matters and socialization is your wire to connect to the target audience. John Phanchalad and his team are focusing on proper content marketing and viral marketing. They believe that proper marketing for your content and knowledge on socialization will put your business in triump.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, Click Here.

Why Website Design is Important? By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-34Does design matter for your website? The answer is big YES! Accept the fact that people judge everything based on the overall presentation. If you show how beautiful your website is, it will be a longer positive impression.

Aside from the content, the design of your site will be based on viewers. The design is the reason why visitors stay on your site or to leave your website. Most of the time, the design of the site is the reason of getting a large percentage of bounce rate. Ok, you have good ranking in Google, but if your site is not user-friendly, the tendency viewers will leave your page quickly and it will fall on bounce rate which is not good.

If you want to test your website, try to ask some people to visit your website and ask their comments on what are the areas that need improvement.

The overall look of your website is a must major thing that you need to prioritize. For example, if your business is about the elementary school, make the design of your site fun and exciting, you can have some quotes about education in one page, the feel of your site should be fun and energetic, make them while what it is feel like to be in your school. But do not overpower your texts. The eyes of your viewers should lead to the most important items to secondary such as your call to action icons.

Organization of items, everything that is well organized pleases the eyes. Every detail in your site should be in logical places, what is important? Is it your products or your company profile? If your website is well organized your visitors will have an impression that you run your business in an organize manner, always remember, your website is your credibility in the digital world.

John Phanchalad, CEO of JP Digital Tech has been in the business of website development for years already, also he is an online marketing consultant. If you are planning to revamp or make a new website, you can always rely on his team.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, Visit Website.

Why Content Is Always A King by John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-33You’ve might heard many SEO experts and online marketers agree that ‘content is a king’ this year of 2014 in the world of online. Actually, John Phanchalad also agrees with this idea due to the updates of Google.

Google updates are created to fight those people who practice black hat SEO and promotes healthy competition in online with the proper communication whether in social media or blogs. As a matter of fact, SEO not yet dead because of the updates on Google. Google encourages SEOs to practice white hat and maintain a good communication to the audience.

Now, it is not enough to get backlinks only. Social signals also matter as it shows how good your website or content is. Social signals can be the numbers of shares, ‘LIKE’ and Twitts. The more you have these, it means you have a positive impact on your audience.

The quantity of writing is not actually enough if it is not quality. Yes, you have lots of articles posted on your blog and some are posted on such PR sites and article sites. But the problem now here is, you don’t get traffic. No traffic means no audience is interested to read your post.

You better focus to create an interesting topic. Remember, people who are involved in online seek for information. So no matter how many articles you posted, if they are not interested, it is still difficult for you to get traffic and get organic links from your visitors. The only way to get the attention of your audience is, talk like a human not a robot. If you keep on talking about aggressive sales or same selling speech, anyone will get-off to you.

If you want to learn more about how to write effective blogs and articles for online marketing, ask John Phanchalad.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit http://johnphanchalad.blogspot.com.

Why Content Is Always A King by John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-32You’ve might heard many SEO experts and online marketers agree that ‘content is a king’ this year of 2014 in the world of online. Actually, John Phanchalad also agrees with this idea due to the updates of Google.

Google updates are created to fight those people who practice black hat SEO and promotes healthy competition in online with the proper communication whether in social media or blogs. As a matter of fact, SEO not yet dead because of the updates on Google. Google encourages SEOs to practice white hat and maintain a good communication to the audience.

Now, it is not enough to get backlinks only. Social signals also matter as it shows how good your website or content is. Social signals can be the numbers of shares, ‘LIKE’ and Twitts. The more you have these, it means you have a positive impact on your audience.

The quantity of writing is not actually enough if it is not quality. Yes, you have lots of articles posted on your blog and some are posted on such PR sites and article sites. But the problem now here is, you don’t get traffic. No traffic means no audience is interested to read your post.

You better focus to create an interesting topic. Remember, people who are involved in online seek for information. So no matter how many articles you posted, if they are not interested, it is still difficult for you to get traffic and get organic links from your visitors. The only way to get the attention of your audience is, talk like a human not a robot. If you keep on talking about aggressive sales or same selling speech, anyone will get-off to you.

If you want to learn more about how to write effective blogs and articles for online marketing, ask John Phanchalad.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit http://johnphanchalad.blogspot.com.

When and Where to Give Your Efforts By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-31Many people complain that they took a lot of efforts, but nothing happens to their career and business. But have they ever asked themselves if their efforts were properly done? Efforts are not about the quantity. But the quality of your efforts matter for your success. In business industry, you can reach the peak of success with the right strategy.

Moreover, your mentors and partners are a part of your business. Without them, it will be hard for you to meet your goals as these people could give networks, serve as your guide, and help you build the business. In business, you should never be alone in maintaining and building. You need partners and clients. They are the reasons why your business exists. Struggles are inevitable. And this chapter is very important to develop yourself and test the stability of your business. You may lose money, some investments, and some partners, but always take a look at the bright side of these struggles is.

Past mistakes are now just a history and these must be avoided whenever you do online marketing. With innovative marketing strategies, entrepreneurs have a chance to lessen efforts in growing their businesses. In 2014, social network websites have become the best places to sell and promote products. But due to the numbers of users and businesses who are present online, you may find standing-out among the crowd difficult.

Remember, you are not alone. Always look back to your partner who can be a consultant or you can call him a guru like John Phanchalad. He will guide and help you think of an effective business strategy. With the help of online marketing and following the proper way to market your products online, there are no hindrances to stop dreaming to work out your business.

Phanchalad and his team JP Digital Tech are your helping hand to stand-out in online marketing. Regardless if there are changes in Google’s updates, they can easily adapt to the changes in order to lead you.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit http://johnphanchalad.blogspot.com.

How’s Your Social Signal In 2014 By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad30For modern SEO, social signals matter. Your audience opinion matters. So it is something about a ‘like’ to a ‘retweet’ from social media users. Every like, share, and tweets indicate the popularity of a post. For online businesses, social signals should be a prioritized.

According to John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech, social signals are very powerful than traditional SEO tactics like the guest posting and link building.

Today, the year 2014, social signals are the measurement how effective your online marketing. If you are in online business over the past years and up to now, for sure, you know that Google wants to move away from ‘technical’ SEO. So this only means that Google wants to make their website a citation source or digital library. So it’s not surprising to say social signals will play a larger role in 2014.

Social signals are focused on Google+, a social media website created by Google and it’s gained the most SEO clout of all. John Phanchalad and JP Digital Tech is aiming to help online businesses by coaching and advising their clients when it comes to expanding their social media signals targeting for websites like Google+.

Speaking of social signals, this term is a mystery to most people and where are the search engine signals this year. To make the story short, the year 2014 for search engine signals will continue the gradual declining. There are proven studies show that most people discover new businesses through social media and connections from friends now.

So RIP to Search Engine Results Page?

Nope, search engines will never die. The old SEO practice only died and not effective, especially if it is a Black Hat SEO. Keep in mind that the most effective online marketing will focus more on content and how your audience respond to your content.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit http://johnphanchalad.blogspot.com.