Keeping Pace with the Market By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-16A man once said that there are two kinds of online marketing strategies. The first strategy involves letting a website sit with links to various products or services and hoping some kind of customer stumbles upon them, happens to need them, can afford them, decides not to buy from a competitor, and instead buys from you; the second strategy involves making money.

John Phanchalad at JP Digital Tech understands that the internet is an ever-changing landscape and that as software technology develops, doubling in complexity every ten years, a business’s attitude towards online sales must be able to change as well. For instance, do you use mobile marketing in your online sales strategy? Recent research shows that if you are not engaging in some form of mobile marketing right now, your online marketing could be obsolete within a few years.

Most small business owners, or even moderate-sized business owners, do not have the manpower or the time to pay close attention to every aspect of their online business. They are concerned with the day to day operations required to keep their company operational and making money. However, someone needs to be concerned with the day-to-day operations of a company’s online marketing platform, and that person needs to be a qualified professional. The world of online marketing changes daily. Every time Google releases new rules for the way search words are optimized countless companies’ sites become obsolete because they did not have someone around who knew to adjust for the new search optimization rules.

To reiterate, it does not matter how wonderfully your site performed on launch. If you paid enormous amounts of money to make a perfect site only to watch your online business dwindle over time, then you need to consider the problem. Do not blame the economy, or inflation, or any passive effect in the economic environment. Other online businesses are making a lot of money. If yours is not, you need to be concerned why it isn’t.

Luckily you do not need to find out how to fix your crumbling online business on your own. There are people for that. Online marketing consultant specialists like John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech can observe your marketing strategies, recognize any stagnation, and bring your website up to market speeds again. Of course, changes like that are only temporary fixes, not a permanent solution. Fortunate for you that John Phanchalad and JP Digital Tech are there. As a qualified professional, John Phanchalad can show you how to keep your website afloat in the ever changing online market, and that is a permanent solution.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

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