Two Ways To Effectively Use Mobile Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad

Businesses across the world have started realizing the amazing potential of mobile internet marketing. Although there is awareness, still not many companies know for sure what their strategies should comprise of. John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech shares two simple ways to strategize mobile internet marketing.

Promotions Using Mobile Internet Marketing

The promotional world is being dominated by QR codes, coupons, limited time specials, sales and contests. While businesses would certainly need to use such proven strategies and can go about using them in mobile marketing. There has to be a finer game plan.

Mobile internet marketing targets people over a wide area and since the target customer is using a mobile device, he or she can be anywhere when the promotions are being carried out. There is no guarantee that a local pizza maker can manage to reach the people when they are in the area and would possibly use the discounts. For all one knows, it may so happen that the blast promotional tryst simply landed with people when they either did not bother or they were not in the need of.

Scouting for the right data is significant in this aspect as well. Moreover, it is the time of the day, day of the week that should also govern the decision of conducting this type of mobile marketing. Using the pizza instance, perhaps a promotional coupon or QR codes can be texted on a Friday evening or during a local event or perhaps a few days prior to the Super Bowl. That way, the mobile marketing strategy is crisp and well conceived and executed.

The App, Web & Interactive World Of Mobile Internet Marketing

Mobile marketing is not restricted to texts anymore. Androids, iOS and Symbian have transformed how we consume information. It is not rare to locate a business coming up with an app for consumers to stay connected with their favorite brand. Social networks are another domain which offers several mobile marketing strategies. Websites were a great thing and still are, only that they need to be optimized for the mobile platform and not just the internet browsers.

Advertising on mobile platforms have also become integral to mobile internet marketing. Flyers and brochures may still be around for a while but over time, they would just seep into the digital medium leading to a paperless environment. The world of mobile marketing is direct, oriented and focused on the target market and is a highly cost effective medium in comparison with TV and Newspapers.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

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