Social Media for Small-Business Owners By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-20Are you a small-business owner looking to increase your reach? While in years past you would have had to hire an advertising firm a la Mad Men, now you can use the power of the internet to help build your brand and promote yourself. Depending on what you want to do, you can use internet marketing to help you spread the word and build a following.

However, internet marketing is an extremely broad field. According to John Phanchalad, one of the experts at JP Digital Tech, you will have to work hard to refine what branches of internet marketing you will want to invest in. A targeted internet marketing campaign is much more effective than trying to overextend, and so you will need to think carefully about how you go about it.

One particularly popular internet marketing technique is social media. You can create several different profiles, one for each platform, so that you can reach followers in different ways. But everyone’s on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you want expand your social media regimen, here are some platforms that you can explore in order to reach more followers.


Pinterest is a fun and interesting way to share updates from your website and also show off other things that interest you, thereby building your brand. Since it is so visual, you can share photos and graphics that capture attention, instead of text-based material like on Twitter and Facebook.


Similar to Pinterest, SpringPad is a new social media platform that allows you to share everything from graphics to articles to video. You can share updates from your blog, articles that interest you, and cool infographics and pictures. You can also add other users and let them upload their own things to your folder, so you can share the account with the whole team.


Tumblr is like a combination of Instagram and Twitter, but it takes the microblogging idea to a whole new level, allowing you to share photos and video as well as text. You can also customize your theme and create something truly unique. It’s also a great way to share updates from our blog and also follow other users and make contacts.

These are just a few of the alternative platforms out there for you to explore in the world of social media. As you learn more and develop your brand, people will start to discover you.

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